NeuroCranial Restructuring® (NCR) is a powerful physical medicine therapy. NCR is a cumulative treatment process involving controlled release of the connective tissue tensions -- resulting from traumas -- to unwind the body and return it towards its original design. NCR utilizes careful analysis of the body’s "proprioception" (patterns of balance) to determine the precise areas of the skull needing to be unlocked during each day’s treatment. An NCR series consists of four treatments given on consecutive days. Each case is evaluated individually for the optimal long-term outcome.
This sounds very complex, but in practice it is relatively simple:
First, the patient receives customized NCR bodywork. This includes the limbs, abdomen, back and head. Next, the patient is specifically assessed to determine the cranial treatment pattern for the day. Then the patient is precisely positioned on the therapy table with the help of an assistant, including the support of pelvic wedges and sometimes a cranial pillow, for optimal treatment results and greater patient comfort. Then a small "endonasal" balloon is inserted into the nostril, briefly inflated, and quickly removed. Many patients describe the balloon pressure sensation as similar to getting water up their nose when jumping into a pool. Finally a recheck verifies that the treatment results have been achieved for that day.
"Endonasal" balloons in treatment are not new. They have been a valuable tool in practice since the early 1930s. Frequently these treatments, such as Bilateral Nasal Specific therapy, gave relief of symptoms and some long-term results. However these older treatment approaches were generalized and frequently painful.*

Your body is in a constant search for balance. When our skull is not in proper alignment the rest of our body will attempt to compensate by changing the way we sit and stand. This creates a habit of poor posture. Other traumas, such as whiplash, force your body out of alignment in a matter of seconds. This sends your bones and muscles into a state of shock from which they will often not recover on their own. People often report chronic pain after severe accidents and it has been found that adjusting the sphenoid bone will allow for the rest of your body to fall into alignment. This takes tension of the skeletal system and allows your muscles to relax. Placing your skull in an optimal alignment also allows for maximum blood flow and neurotransmitter activity throughout the central nervous system.

Many people ask me how I came to do NCR. Like many specialists, I was a patient before I became a practitioner. As a teenager I had migraines. After a car accident they became more frequent- generally 2-3 a week. Even when I didn't have debilitating migraines I had constant pain in my face, neck, and shoulder. I tried everything- natural and otherwise. Nothing helped. I just thought this was how life was going to be and I did what I could to get by. Then, in 2003, during my first year of medical school, a friend of mine told me about NCR. She had been the assistant to the doctor who invented the procedure and was going through med school so that she would be eligible to become certified in NCR. I was desperate and, with little hope, decided to give it a try. Within seconds of my first treatment my neck pain was gone. It was hard to believe that it was that simple! I went home that night and slept a full night without waking up from pain- it had been 6 years since that had happened! I decided that I wanted to be able to bring this kind of relief to others, and my love of NCR began. After graduating I went to study with Dr Dean Howell, creator of NCR, and became a certified practitioner. Now I have spent a decade helping others become pain-free, too, and nothing could be more satisfying. I treat my family with this technique and my oldest daughter even received her first treatment when she was only 3 months old. In 4 days the pronounced ridge on the left side of her skull (from prenatal issues) was completely gone. I love that no matter how young or old, people find benefit from this procedure. Also, to answer the question I get asked most frequently- No, I have not had a migraine in over a decade. I still appreciate my daily lack of pain.

NCR is an amazing therapy for a variety of issues, including headaches, migraines, sinus issues, snoring, neck pain, jaw pain, and back pain.It can also have an effect on conditions relating to the central nervous system, such as Down's Syndrome, ADD/ADHD, or depression. Many times patients will come in for one complaint and find that another issue has also resolved. For instance, a person comes in for headaches and finds that their low back pain has disappeared.Some patients find complete relief after 1 series; others require several over the course of months or years. Often this depends on the duration of the complaint and the severity of the problems.
A comprehensive list of conditions treated with NCR is available at www.ncrdoctors.com
*text from NCRdoctors.com